I am a trauma-focused, Therapeutic and Relational Wellness Coach. I have a Masters degree in Mental Health Counseling, and am a certified Relational Life Therapy (RLT) Coach – created by and based on the life’s work of Terry Real, author of the book Us: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship. I also specialize in Betrayal Trauma, intimacy disorders and sexual health. I work with couples and individuals virtually over a video platform. Learn more about me on my About page and more about what I offer under the Coaching tab. You can also reach out to me at jessicaskybahr@gmail.com to schedule a 20 minute call to find out more and whether we would be a good fit.

Since you are here on my website, you are one-step closer to embarking on one of the most important journeys you will ever take: one of self-discovery, growth and healing to become more mentally, emotionally, relationally and spiritually healthy. I hope I can be a guide and ally on your journey.

About Jessica Bahr, MA, RLT Coach

I am a trauma-informed mental health and relationship coach. I am also a RLT (Relational Life Therapy) certified coach, trained by Terry Real. I coach couples, families and individuals who are looking to explore and improve different aspects of their lives and relationships. I am passionate about the capacity we have to love and connect. I believe (and so does science) that nothing is more important than the health of our relationships – including the one we have with ourselves – as this permeates all other aspects of our lives, from our external successes to our physical health. There are a lot of forces in modern civilization that undermine love, connection and authenticity, as well as self-worth and higher purpose, and my goal is to help people find their way back to themselves and to each other, and whatever it is they truly value and hold dear. I am an ally on the journey to get real, find meaning and develop and maintain fulfilling relationships. Get to know me better and more about my areas of specialty.

How I Can Help

Often times clients come to me with “symptoms” or pain points; some are nagging little annoyances and others loud alarm bells, and in every case there is something underneath that needs unearthed, and it sometimes takes a skilled coach to facilitate this process. I can help by providing a safe space, an empathetic ear, and applied knowledge and experience to help you get to the root of the issues, so that we can focus on appropriate solutions. I believe everything you need to know is already within you; in some cases it’s not developed yet, in other cases it’s buried or blocked. It’s not about finding perfection, but progress towards being the best version of yourself; becoming more whole, and living more fully. Check out my coaching specialties to find out more about how I can help. 

Why Work With Me

There are a lot of great coaches, counselors and therapists all doing their part to help others, and none of us can be all things to all people – nor do we want to be. What I offer is a combination of support and challenge; I think people need both to grow. While I believe we are shaped by our experiences, I don’t believe we are fixed, because our brains our “plastic” and can change. It’s not easy, but nothing of value usually is. Through my coaching, you will have an opportunity to explore your conditioning (cultural, familial, experiential), identify goals and objectives, identify and leverage your strengths, face and overcome your challenges with real-life/practical solutions, and move in a direction that feels more in alignment with your authentic self. I want to help make sure you are getting what you need and that means making sure we are a good fit for coaching.

What My Clients Say

Jessica is a compassionate professional. She really knows her stuff and goes above and beyond our session times by providing pertinent articles and links to blog posts and videos for further exploration and education. I have learned so much from her in our time working together. When my wife left me Jessica was a true life saver, in every sense. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Cecily D.

I haven’t had much success with therapists throughout my life despite many attempts. I felt like I could always outsmart them and shift the focus away from my challenges. Jessica has a unique combination of intelligence, life experience, compassion and expertise that made my work with her feel like gentle self-discovery. I was inspired to work WITH her rather than attempt to circumvent the process. Her passion for relationship coaching is unmistakable and I owe a good measure of my sanity to her guidance.

Carol C.

Jessica’s ability to listen to her clients openly with empathy and compassion is her greatest quality. She has a wealth of knowledge in her field and is able to communicate support in ways that are attainable and nurturing to ones body, mind and spirit.

Heather C.